Festival Role: Associate Director / Production Manager. 

How did you get involved in the festival? Though currently the production manager, I have worked various roles at HebCelt… starting out as a volunteer way back at… the 1st one in 1996!
I have only missed 2 since it started. I kept coming back to volunteer all the way through my studies to be a sound engineer in Glasgow. Once I moved back to the island I was asked to cover the sound at the rural community events all over Lewis and Harris, the particular highlight was always the Wednesday night gig in the Breasclete Community hall.
Between 2014 and 2018, I was asked if I would like join the main site looking after the new acoustic tent. I was asked if I could provide sound and stage manage…. I think they weren’t sure it would work and didn’t want to waste manpower, so asked me to do it all by myself the first year. It went down very well and I loved running that stage, continuing to just be left alone to work the stage myself. Bliss. Highlights on the stage were the year local legends Colin Macleod and Peat and Diesel played.
In 2023 I was asked to step up to Production Manager. Basically liaising between artists/management and the sound, backline, light and video providers - trying to make sure everything runs smoothly. This is a year long role - something new for me! … must have done something right… they asked me back!
What makes HebCelt special? HebCelt for me is all about community and coming together to celebrate the music and the islands. Every musician I have met who has ever played HebCelt raves about it. The location, the welcome… the atmosphere… They love it. And so do I.